In the last month, Serra has assembled and commissioned the third washing and refining line of 20 tons per hour in Kazakhstan. This process involves the sat washing and salt centrifuge process, as well as drying, crushing and sieving the salt.
Right now, the company has three salt lines in operations, first one installed in 2013, second one in 2016 and third one in 2020. As a result, more than 150.000 tons of salt per year are processed by Serra thus becoming one of the biggest salt factories in the area.
How does our process of salt processing work?
There are different methods and steps that the salt must go through in order to accomplish the best quality salt. However, depends on where the salt comes from, the sea, rocks or lakes the process and machines that are used changes.
In this case, the raw salt comes from a lake salt with a NaCl purity around 94-95%. With our process specially designed for them, more than 99% NaCl purity is achieved at the final product.
The salt plant is a complete salt line, where the washing and the drying areas play a major role.
Salt Washing
The process starts by washing the salt in order to reduce the soluble and insoluble impurities. Our washing process is divided in three steps:
In the first step the salt is crushed and mixed with brine for open the raw salt crystals cavities and expose the soluble and insoluble. After that, the salt goes to the washer classifier, a unique system based on salt and brine countercurrent in a custom designed screw. Through suspension and dissolution, the salt is washed, and soluble and insoluble impurities are removed. Finally, the salt goes to a two-stage pusher centrifuge in order to separate the salt from the brine and make a final wash while reducing the moisture of the salt.
That is to say, our salt washing process does not involve any type of chemical product/dissolution, so all the process is natural and eco-friendly.
Salt Drying
The next step of the processing line is the salt drying, it comes after crushing and before sieving the salt. The drying system commonly used for drying the salt is the fluid bed dryer. Our fluid bed dryer is specifically designed for drying salt (sea salt, rock salt, lake salt, vacuum salt…). It is manufactured in stainless steel AISI-316L and the bests materials for having a good resistance and avoiding corrosion.
The heating of air can be done using either an indirect or direct source of energy. In this case, it is used Gas LPG for heating the air. Also, a dust collection (cyclone) has been installed for recovering the powder salt. The moisture of the salt achieved after the fluid bed drier is less than 0.1%.
After all this process, a high-quality salt is accomplished, with more than 99% NaCl purity. Now it can be used as a condiment, for food production, in the chemical industry or any other activity where salt is needed.
If you are interested in our services, or do you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.