Serra has designed, manufactured, and commissioned a new salt refinery line of 8 tons per hour in Ecuador. The plant can process either rock or sea salt depending on the market demand.
The line is composed of; a centrifuge (with a bypass) for reducing the moisture and get all the salt crystal homogeneous; a roller mill for crushing the crystals and get the desire final granulometry; a fluid bed dryer (dryer-cooler) for drying the salt and get an output of less than 0,2% moisture; and a sieve screen for classifying the final products. After the sieve screen the salt is transport to the silos and the bagging and packing area.
The plant is fully automated controlled with a PLC and a touch screen.
We would like to thank all the people involved in the commissioning of the plant.
If you are interested in our services, or do you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.