During the month of July, Serra has assembled and commissioned a new salt washing and refining line of 7tph in Luanda, Angola. The plant is composed of the following parts:
First of all, the washing area, for upgrading the quality of the salt in order to remove the soluble and insoluble from the raw salt. The process consists of three machines: washer cells, screw washer and centrifuge.
After that, the salt goes to the grinding mill for producing the salt crystals desired for our market and to the salt fluid bed drier for drying the salt and achieve a moisture of around 0.10%.
The final step is to classify the salt crystals by granulometry with a sieving machine for storage and packing the final products.
Finally, the salt is packed in small bags for retail purposes with the packaging machines RS250, specially made for salt.
The assembling and commissioning stage has been done in record time thanks to the collaboration of everyone involved in the project.
If you are interested in our services, or do you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.